Dr. Hetrick, Dr. Wisner, and Dr. Moussa-Tooks will be reviewing applications for the Fall 2025 academic year.
The department of Psychological and Brain Sciences has an optional GRE requirement. Drs. Hetrick, Wisner, and Moussa-Tooks do not require or review GRE scores.
For information on IU's psychology graduate program, visit https://psych.indiana.edu/graduate/degree-programs/index.html. To learn more about the application or apply, please visit https://psych.indiana.edu/graduate/how-to-apply/index.html
If you have questions about the CCNC, mentorship, or advising please contact Dr. Hetrick, Dr. Wisner, Dr. Moussa-Tooks, or the graduate students.
If you are an IU undergraduate student and would like more information on graduate programs/advanced education, professional development, and careers in psychology, please self-enroll in this Canvas site